Kara Thomson

Areas of Practice

Common law/personal injury


Phone: 0466 330 684
Email: kara@barqld.com
Reception: 07 3333 9921

Kara is an experienced personal injury practitioner, having held specialist accreditation in personal injuries law as a solicitor, before being called to the Bar. 

She has represented both Plaintiffs and Defendants across Queensland, including during her time practising in North Queensland.

Prior to being called to the Bar, Kara had a varied career and has spent significant time giving back to the profession, including spending 8 years as a Councillor of the Queensland Law Society and terms as its Vice President and President. Kara was a non-executive director of the Law Council of Australia in 2022-2023 and the Legal Member of the former Prostitution Licensing Authority. 

Kara was the recipient of the prestigious 2023 Leneen Forde AC Woman Lawyer of the Year Award and a finalist for the Mentor of the Year in 2019 (Lawyers Weekly).

Kara accepts briefs in a wide variety of matters, with a particular interest in insurance and personal injury matters (including historical abuse and medical negligence), regulatory matters and civil litigation.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation